On March 20, 2014, in the Fed’s Stress tests for Banks – 29 Passed and 1 Failed. While one bank was below par the rest seemed to have scored well. The real picture will be completed on March 26th,2014. Many raise questions on the stress test of banks. This article focuses on the basic key points of what bank stress results are and what are considered its drawbacks.
All posts in World Economy
Bitcoin- Virtual Currency Becoming A Reality
This article is meant for people who have avoided the topic of Bitcoin for long ‘simply’ because they got too tied up in the complex jargons. Well, since Bitcoin and Ven will be something that could be a threat to traditional money markets, we might as well start understanding and using the terms more often.
Is India heading for a grave Economic Crisis?
India has one of the largest and fastest growing economes. It is one of the members of BRICS and forms a part of G-20. With a huge population, India now faces a high Inflation rate of 9.39% (CPI) as in April 2013 and a high CAD (Current Account Deficit). Eurozone crisis and in-house politics worsen matters further. Is all well in India? A brief & closer look at what is happening.
Abenomics- Japan’s answer to its Lost Decade
Abenomics is Japan’s answer to its lost decade.With more than two decades of financial turmoil and big bang reforms, Japanese prime minister,Shinzō Abe proposed Abenomics, a term named after him.This is a very quick overview on what abenomics is just before the final verdict of its acceptance on June14th 2013.