It takes approximately 40 minutes for 82,944 processors on the world’s fastest computer to compute what one percent of our brain calculates in a second. Despite this lag, AI has more promising solutions than humans when it comes to addressing the issue of climate change. Climate change is a serious issue that needs immediate attention across the…
All posts tagged algorithm
AI intervenes to bring down suicide rates
While a reliable method to accurately identify suicidal patients is missing from medical literature, researchers at universities are continually striving for AI-solutions to predict and prevent suicidal attempts. Suicide is cited as the 10th leading cause of death and is one of three leading causes on the rise, according to the Centers for Disease Control and…
Snap’s Redesign Already Has Competition
The competition for Snap Inc. (SNAP) is getting more intense as tech and social media giants switch gears to divide the personal and advertised content and take stringent steps to address the issue of ‘fake news’. Snap’s Story so far…. For starters, Snap went public in 2017 and was considered to be the second largest…