Economic Crises Timeline – United States & Eurozone

Economic Crises Timeline – United States & Eurozone

The year 2008 marked the advent of a financial crisis that began with a subprime scandal and mistakes made by credit rating agencies followed by the excesses of a financial capitalism that got seriously off track. This included the dissimulation of risks, unverified and highly complicated financial instruments, legal loopholes and the persistence of tax havens attracting a share of world savings that would be more justly used to finance investments and growth.In 2008, IMF had reported that these terrible lapses will cost the international banking system about a trillion dollars in the long-term.

‘All is Well……..OR is it?’- a focus on low rankings of Indian banks

‘All is Well……..OR is it?’- a focus on low rankings of Indian banks

Last year in November,2011, Indian Banking industry had been downgraded by Standard  & Poor’s (S & P) from stable to negative. The US credit crunch and Euro Zone crisis have had a major role to play in the downfall of some of the other major economies in the world.When asked last year on the reaction…