Here’s why Banks Need to Collaborate (and Not Compete) with FinTech Startups

Here’s why Banks Need to Collaborate (and Not Compete) with FinTech Startups

Originally Published on Digitalist Magazine With the advent of robo-advisors, artificial intelligence (AI), and virtual assistants, the next wave of the financial technology revolution could arrive sooner than anticipated. A report by EY, “Unleashing the Potential of Fintech in Banking,” highlights that collaborations with startups (and not competition) can provide fresh tech solutions for banks. Shared…

Banking with Artificial Intelligence

Banking with Artificial Intelligence

Faced with unprecedented challenges, banks have started racing to embrace AI to gain a competitive advantage. With the advent of chatbots, personal assistants, and robo-advisors, it may not be too hard to imagine that the next wave of technology could revolutionize the traditional style of banking. An Accenture report recently indicated that within the next three years, banks will deploy…



Banking Industry has evolved tremendously over a period of time. Nowadays, modern banking sector is doing away with its traditional methods and shifting focus to a more advanced and digitally connected network. While many countries are still struggling to get basic banking facilities, there are others that are growing not only in number but facing fierce competition from non-banks. As we all know, banking, in recent years, is not all about depositing and taking loans but much more.