Recurring Deposits (RD) are a great way to deposit bit by bit and yield a high amount on maturity. A very popular tool for those who cannot use the entire savings but a few thousands in order to get a high amount back on maturity. The interest charged on these deposits is similar to the…
A quick thought on Mutual Funds!
Before investing any one would want to know how mutual funds work. Now, if you ask this from a finance professional, mostly, you’ll get answers that raise even more doubts because the clarifications are full of financial jargon In simple words, you will be more confused than before.
Gold Vs Gold ETFs
So gold rises….. years later it seems to be again on the move!! That is exactly how the story of gold goes.They usually say ‘ old is gold’ to things that are invaluable but when one looks in deeply then in literal sense,the more old the gold is the more closer it is to being…
Fix your Savings!
Bank Fixed Deposits (FDs) are a very safeway to jumpstart your savings. If you have a savings account (I am sure we all do) then this is an article that will help you yield better returns. It is often advisable to park your savings funds into a fixed deposit for the simple reason that if…