The Impact of The Rising Dollar

The Impact of The Rising Dollar

The US dollar has been on the rise every day setting high records. With the upward pressure on dollar, stronger dollar could tighten financial conditions across the growth. Further the rising dollar could be offsetting the benefit of low cost oil. Over the past six months, the trade-weighted dollar has risen 25% and faster than anytime the last 40 years. US dollar is a global unit of account in debt contracts and that could be a cause of slow down in the rest of the world. Not only that, if the dollar continues to increase, inflation and US economic could weaken.

A Second Financial Crisis – are we in denial?

A Second Financial Crisis – are we in denial?

Six years of the financial turmoil has given a reason for many debates, research, arguments, discussions and even research work to many. To many nothing has really changed, in fact to them, we might be looking at something more serious in 2015. The question that is important is whether there is any truth to the occurrence of second financial crisis or are we just in denial?

The World Economy in 2015

The World Economy in 2015

2015 will be a year that will test many emerging economies like Brazil, Russia and China. Advanced countries will take measures to revive past growths and try to remain in the race. Low oil prices will lower inflation in many economies but will raise concerns in many others.

Economic Crises Timeline – United States & Eurozone

Economic Crises Timeline – United States & Eurozone

The year 2008 marked the advent of a financial crisis that began with a subprime scandal and mistakes made by credit rating agencies followed by the excesses of a financial capitalism that got seriously off track. This included the dissimulation of risks, unverified and highly complicated financial instruments, legal loopholes and the persistence of tax havens attracting a share of world savings that would be more justly used to finance investments and growth.In 2008, IMF had reported that these terrible lapses will cost the international banking system about a trillion dollars in the long-term.