At the Mobile World Congress, Mastercard recently announced that it was teaming up with Facebook to provide small businesses in Africa and Asia with an affordable and simple on-ramp for accepting mobile payments. The partnership will help unbanked retailers and merchants in the regions open bank accounts through Facebook Messenger. At the launch, Kahina Van Dyke, director…
All posts in Banking and Finance
Starbucks Just Made Your Coffee Experience More Innovative
When Starbucks (SBUX) announced the closure of all of its 379 Teavana stores by the spring of 2018, it came as a warning signal to many analysts. But for long-term investors, Starbucks future growth prospects could look more promising. Acquired in 2012 for $620 million, Teavana stores are set to close due to declining foot…
Living Wills of Too Big To Fail Banks
Banks have always remained too big to fail but their systemic risk became the topic of debates after the 2008 financial crisis. Living wills are a part of the post-2008 reforms to ensure that the risk does not spread to other sections of the financial system.
Why The Volcker Rule remains debatable in the Dodd-Frank Act?
Volcker Rule is a temporary solution to a permanent problem of ‘too big to fail’. If Volcker Rule really aims to address the issues of 2008 financial crisis, it should eliminate the issue of ‘too big to fail’ because as long as large firms exist, they will continue to attract federal support during any future crisis, despite all the adherence to the strict rules in the Dodd-Frank rulebook.