Chatbots arrive to disrupt multiple industries. Here’s a look at some of the sectors that are most effected and demonstrate how chatbots continue to make businesses more cost effective and responsive. 1. Human Resource Space Chatbots are digitizing human resources processes and slowly transforming the space which was primarily dominated by human employees. A recent survey…
All posts by Deena Zaidi
Bots Got you Covered as AI disrupts Insurance
For long, insurance firms have been relying on traditional virtual assistants. But with the advent of improved analytics, insurance technology startups (better known as Insurtech)are paving way for smarter and more innovative platforms.
AI could provide solutions for climate change
It takes approximately 40 minutes for 82,944 processors on the world’s fastest computer to compute what one percent of our brain calculates in a second. Despite this lag, AI has more promising solutions than humans when it comes to addressing the issue of climate change. Climate change is a serious issue that needs immediate attention across the…
Machine Learning uses facial expressions to detect suicidal behavior
Suicide is extremely difficult to predict, especially in depressed individuals. But AI- algorithms could soon help doctors differentiate between patients who are depressed and those who are suicidal. Joseph Franklin, Ph.D. from Harvard University and author of a suicide research published by the American Psychological Association said, a suicide expert who conducted an in-depth assessment…