The Hits and Misses of Indian Budget 2015

The Hits and Misses of Indian Budget 2015

With India having the world’s second largest population and the maximum number of poor people in the world, the Indian budget 2015 could be a turning point for the poor and the unemployed. While many have supported the budget, others have criticized it for being very ‘pro-corporate’. The Indian Budget has been more or less termed as “stable” in its approach allowing more public spending through emphasis on strategic plans that could modernize India’s infrastructure.

How far has BRICS come?

How far has BRICS come?

As emerging markets enter turmoil, questions regarding BRICS remain unanswered. China was known for being the second largest economy that could drive the asian markets towards infrastructural growth and development. But this year some troubling news from mostly all the emerging markets with Brazil’s debt being reduced to “junk” status. What started, as a pompous affair of five nations coming together in support of one another’s infrastructural needs, now appears to be more of a promotional event.