G20 comprises Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the U.K. and the U.S., as well as the European Union, represented by the rotating council presidency and the European Central Bank. In June 2022, both U.S. and G20 inflation reached 9.1%, according…
All posts in United States of America
U.K. has the highest inflation rate across G-7 Countries
Inflation is a key economic indicator that impacts consumers, businesses, and policymakers. Understanding inflation trends in G-7 countries provides a snapshot of the complex and interconnected global economic landscape. The G-7 consists of some of the world’s most advanced economies, including the U.S., Canada, Japan, Germany, France, the U.K. and Italy. Let’s delve into the…
Lessons from the 1918 Spanish Flu
Covid-19 has many unknown factors which, like most pandemics, can impact the willingness to spend, invest and take risks. Uncertainties usually bring economy to a halt due to complete shutdowns of small businesses, production losses and increased unemployment.
Can the Retail Industry go Fully-AI after ‘Amazon Go’?
In the heart of downtown Seattle lies Amazon Go — a store concept that grabbed headlines after its beta phase opened to the public this year. Its concept could mean that the retail industry could slowly be powered by AI. But the idea already faces competition as tech startups emerge to introduce similar technologies to autonomous retail stores.…