Why The Volcker Rule remains debatable in the Dodd-Frank Act?

Why The Volcker Rule remains debatable in the Dodd-Frank Act?

Volcker Rule is a temporary solution to a permanent problem of ‘too big to fail’. If Volcker Rule really aims to address the issues of 2008 financial crisis, it should eliminate the issue of ‘too big to fail’ because as long as large firms exist, they will continue to attract federal support during any future crisis, despite all the adherence to the strict rules in the Dodd-Frank rulebook.

Fed’s Stress tests for Banks – 29 Pass 1 Fail

Fed’s Stress tests for Banks – 29 Pass 1 Fail

On March 20, 2014, in the Fed’s Stress tests for Banks – 29 Passed and 1 Failed. While one bank was below par the rest seemed to have scored well. The real picture will be completed on March 26th,2014. Many raise questions on the stress test of banks. This article focuses on the basic key points of what bank stress results are and what are considered its drawbacks.